Camping Bear Bells are the perfect addition to your outdoor gear. With the ability to make a clear and loud sound, it enhances safety on your camping trips. You can also mute the bell when you don't need it, and easily attach it to your backpack or belt. The dependable design ensures long-term use.
Specification: Name: Loud Bear Bell
Material: polyester, iron
Product size: about 38mm/1.5in (diameter)
Packing List:1* Loud Bear Bell
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1.Loud Bear Bell: Keep yourself safe on hikes by alerting bears and other wildlife to your presence with Loud Bear Bell. Its clear and loud sound makes it an ideal travel companion.
2.Use Easily: With the Loud Bear Bell's silencing function, you can easily mute the bell when not needed. Ideal for noise-sensitive environments, it won't disturb your peaceful moments.
3.Install Simply: Our Loud Bear Bell ensures that you can easily attach it to your backpack or belt with adhesive pad webbing, providing dependable protection and giving you the peace of mind you deserve.
4.Dependable Design: Constructed with high-quality polyester and dependable iron, this tough Loud Bear Bell is built to endure various outdoor situations, promising long-lasting performance and ideal protection.
5.Safety Enhancement: The Loud Bear Bell enhances safety during camping by ensuring that group members can quickly locate each other in dense forests or remote areas, making it the perfect hiking companion.